How the Ancient Art of Storytelling Can Transform Your Workplace Narrative
Ah, the magnetic pull of a great story! It is often overlooked, particularly in a corporate environment- the profound impact storytelling can have on our minds. We often associate it with the realm of fiction, reserved for the talented pools of renowned writers and screenwriters.
We perhaps have an abstract understanding of what storytelling can do in every scenario, but we don’t always know how to tell them. So, how do we change this?
Unleashing The Narrative Magic
If you've ever found yourself captivated by a TED Talk or ensnared in a water-cooler tale of 'the stapler that wouldn’t staple', then you've experienced the magnetic pull of a great story.
First things first- why is storytelling such a powerful tool in the workplace? For starters, it has an incredible knack for captivating people's attention. When we listen to a story, it's as if a switch is flipped in our brains, all together activating the trifecta of our curiosity, emotions, and imagination. We hear a statement, but we experience a story. It is about us and our lived experiences as much as it is about the person telling it.
It's no surprise that some of the world's most successful companies, like Nike and Apple, have harnessed the power of storytelling in their branding, recognizing its skilful ability to engage and resonate with all kinds of audiences on a deeper level.
You may have come across the story of the three bricklayers. The story of three bricklayers is a multi-faceted parable with many different variations but is rooted in an authentic story.
Here is how it goes:
After the great fire of 1666 that levelled London, the world’s most famous architect, Christopher Wren, was commissioned to rebuild St Paul’s Cathedral. One day in 1671, Christopher Wren observed three bricklayers on a scaffold, one crouched, one half-standing and one standing tall, working very hard and fast. To the first bricklayer, Christopher Wren asked, “What are you doing?” to which the bricklayer replied, “I’m a bricklayer. I’m working hard, laying bricks to feed my family.” The second bricklayer responded, “I’m a builder. I’m building a wall.” But the third bricklayer, the most productive of the three and the group's future leader, when asked, “What are you doing?” replied with a gleam in his eye, “I’m a cathedral builder. I’m building a great cathedral to The Almighty.”
These weren’t just bricklayers; these were philosophers with mortar and trowels! This story is a powerful demonstration of the impact of good stories- we become the stories we believe in, and if we believe that we are building a cathedral, so it shall be.
But why do stories have such a significant impact on people?
Think of your favourite childhood bedtime story, the one you made your parents read to you over and over again. Chances are, that story was not just about the words on the page but about the emotions and the human connection it elicited. In the same way, a well-told workplace story can have a similar effect, capturing the imagination of your colleagues and motivating them to actually step up and do the deed.
You might be thinking, “Sure, storytelling sounds great in theory, but how do I actually make it work in my workplace?” Well, there are a few key things to keep in mind.
Tailor Your Tales
It all starts with knowing your audience. Just as Cinderella's shoe wouldn't fit everyone at the ball, your story needs to be the perfect fit for your audience. Tailor it so it slips on smoothly and leaves a footprint in their minds. Take a moment to step into their shoes and understand what stories will truly resonate with them. What are their interests, passions, or challenges?
By crafting your storytelling to a range of unique perspectives, you ensure that your message strikes just the right chord and leaves a lasting impact.
Remember, a story that speaks directly to someone's heart is far more likely to inspire action than a generic narrative that falls flat.
Invoke The Personal Touch
Secondly, don't be afraid to get personal. Let's face it; we all know the corporate 'mask.' But when it comes to storytelling, it's like the opera – the masks come off, and the real drama begins. We have observed that the key to compelling storytelling is vulnerability. When you show your colleagues and clients your authentic self, it creates a level of trust that makes them more open to ideas and more likely to act.
This can open doors for them to relate to you as a person, not just as a professional.
Tap Into The Emotional Pulse
Emotions in the workplace? You bet! It's not just reserved for the annual office party where the mystery of the disappearing cake is revealed.
Another crucial aspect of effective storytelling is emotional connection. People remember stories that stir their emotions – whether it's a humorous anecdote, a heartwarming tale, or a gut-wrenching experience. When tapping into the emotional pulse of your audience, remember that even the driest PowerPoint presentation can come to life with a good story. It's like adding a pinch of paprika to your grandma's famous recipe – suddenly, everyone's asking for seconds!
When you effortlessly weave these elements into your workplace interactions, you tend to create a connection with your audience that any boring statistics or twenty-page reports can't replicate.
Harness Power Of Conflict For Impact
Ever wondered what separates a mediocre narrative from one that inspires action?
It's all in the conflict.
Let's be honest, we love drama. This is why we tune into our favourite shows, endlessly scroll through social media gossip, and become emotionally invested in the stories of people we don't even know. Don't shy away from conflict; embrace it. After all, would Superman be as exciting without Lex Luthor?
So why should our workplace stories be any different? A little workplace drama (the good kind!) can turn an everyday story into a blockbuster. A story that highlights challenges, conflict, and resolution will capture our attention and hold it.
Embrace the power of conflict by sharing stories of personal growth and resilience.
Highlighting obstacles and how you've overcome them is not only inspiring but relatable.
Who hasn't struggled at work? By sharing your journey, you create a sense of connection with your audience, inspiring them to tackle their challenges head-on.
Finally, practice, practice, practice. Even the most gifted storytellers had to start somewhere. Remember, every Spielberg started with a home movie, and every J.K. Rowling began with a scribble. Your storytelling journey might start at the next team meeting!
Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles and techniques until you find what works for you. It may take some trial and error, but like IMAX loves to say ‘Watch a movie, or live in one.’